Government Regulations
The role of Independent Director is a Statutory Position and derives its authority from Companies Acts and Company Rules. This section consists of the important Government Regulations related to Corporate Governance, Appointment of Independent Director and Rules related to Databank.
Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Director) Amendment Rules, 2021
Companies (Creation and Maintenance of Databank of Independent Directors) Second Amendment Rules, 2021
Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) Fifth Amendment Rules, 2020
Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) Third Amendment Rules, 2020
Companies (Creation and Maintenance of Databank of Independent Directors) Rules, 2019
SEBI LODR (5th Amendment) Regulations, 2021
SEBI LODR (2nd Amendment) Regulations, 2023
Business responsibility and sustainability reporting (BRSR) by listed entities - circular by SEBI, 2021
Companies (Creation and Maintenance of Databank of Independent Directors) Amendment Rules, 2021
Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) Fourth Amendment Rules, 2020
Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) Second Amendment Rules, 2020
SEBI LODR (6th Amendment) Regulations, 2021
SEBI LODR (6th Amendment) Regulations, 2022